Periodic Table Flashcards #2 - Available in 42 languages

Periodic Table Flashcards #2 - Available in 42 languages
Play and learn the periodic table with the printable flash cards. The set includes 118 element flash cards in high resolution PDF format and SVG formats. Download and print them on a PC or Mac.
Flash cards helps you to commit the elements to your memory. Parents and teachers can create fun activities and use them to teach chemistry.

The PDF file has 30 pages and each page has 4 cards. Each flash card shows the atomic number, symbol, name and atomic weight of the element

Try to print the flashcards on cardstock paper for a nicer feel and longevity. Print the flash card on one side and the file 000 Cover.pdf on the other side of the flashcard.

Size: A4

Text and colors in SVG files can be edited using vector editing software such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape
Formats: SVG, PDF
지원되는 언어
영어; 아프리카 어; 아랍어; 불가리아어; 카탈루냐어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 독일어; 그리스어; 스페인어; 페르시아어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 히브리어; 힌디어; 크로아티아어; 헝가리어; 아르메니아어; 인도네시아어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 마케도니아; 말레이어; 네덜란드어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 루마니아어; 러시아어; 슬로바키아어; 슬로베니아어; 세르비아어; 스웨덴어; 태국어; 터키어; 우크라이나어; 베트남어; 중국어(간체); 중국어(번체);
Licensed for personal use only, not commercial use. The flashcards can be shared with friends and family but may not be resold.
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